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Church Covenant

Providence Community Church
Church Covenant

Revised 2019


Since we have been brought by God to repent of our sins and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation through His death and resurrection, we now offer ourselves completely to Him, and we joyfully and whole-heartedly make this covenant with each other as one body in Christ whose joint purpose is to proclaim Christ as a caring community of God-exalting disciple-makers. 


By God’s grace and for God’s glory, we will make it our joyful pursuit to:


1. Proclaim Christ and Make Disciples by:

  • Gathering to worship our risen Lord and to proclaim the gospel as the power of God unto salvation.

  • Sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with our neighbors, our city, our nation, and the world.  

  • Embodying the gospel by loving one another in word and in deed.

  • Participating in the extension of the gospel through praying, serving, giving, and going.

  • Submitting our hearts and lives to God’s written word, the Bible, as our faithful and final authority to guide us in God’s ways as we serve our Savior until He returns or calls us home. 


2. Contribute to a Caring Community by:

  • Joining together on the Lord’s Day to worship our triune God in spirit and in truth.

  • Praying for one another, edifying one another, caring for one another, bearing one another’s burdens, serving one another, and holding one another accountable to godly living.

  • Pursuing relationships in our body that are characterized by love, grace, forgiveness, respect, hospitality, and generosity.

  • Confronting sin in our body with love, boldness, and humility, prayerfully pursuing repentance and restoration; thereby, protecting the name of Christ, the purity of the church, and the perseverance of the saints.

  • Submitting to the oversight of the elders that God has placed in authority in our church, and accepting the spiritual discipline of the elders as outlined in the Scripture when required.

  • Investing our resources and gifts for the good of the body in a Christ-like manner that is sacrificial, cheerful, and voluntary


3. Give Glory to God by:

  • Obeying His Word, living in harmony with one another, and displaying His gospel love through our gracious speech and good deeds.

  • Worshiping Him alone through our thoughts, our words, our actions, and our affections.

  • Confessing our sins to God and man regularly and humbly, and gratefully accepting God’s gracious assurance of pardon.

  • Treasuring God and the gospel as our greatest pleasure and pursuit. 

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